Sunday, January 3, 2010

Santa and Horror

Santa and Horror

Santa came down the chimney in Timmy's house
Quiet is he as still as a mouse.

The presents he left under the tree
One he left was a wide screen TV

He turned it on, he gave it a try
Checked the preview guide and to his wondering eye.

An Old Boris Karloff movie was on
A monster movie, he was very fond.

Santa was a horror movie fan long ago
He sat on the couch and turned the volume down low.

He didn't want to wake anyone in the house you see
As he took down the strung popcorn off the tree.

He settled in to watch "Bride of Frankenstein"
as only Boris Karloff could play so fine.

The monster would roar with agony and pain
Santa with goose bumps all in a strain.

Finally it came to the end of the show
Santa new it was time to go

He cleaned up his mess right down to the floor
Who would had known...Santa liked Horror.
Written by Brenda Estes December 10,2009 for a contest on a website on Writer's Network. The topic to write using Santa and Horror

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