Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thoughts on New Years Dieting

Most every year I think of my New Years Resolutions and like most people DIETING is one of them. Not this year! I know how to lose weight. I've done it plenty of times with many times of success too. It is keeping it off that I have the problem with.
Here is what you have to do to lose the weight. Eat less, exercise more. Simple isn't it. Will power doesn't have any thing to do with it. Determination does. If you have talked yourself into wanting to lose weight and sticking with it, you will do that. Sadly most of the time it only lasts for 2 - 3 weeks and then it becomes boring. Staying motivated is a key point to sticking with losing the weight. Support is extremely important too. Others like a best friend or relative can really help in your weight loss efforts. Being accountable to someone else besides yourself helps more than you can imagine.
Changing the way you eat. Eat less fat, lower calories, more fiber to stay full. Eat more at home with home cooked meals instead of eating out where there is all kinds of fatty high calorie foods. The temptations are too much to bare!
So I chose this year not to worry about my weight. I will be doing more to eat healthier. I'll watch my portion sizes. Cook more at home so I will be in control of what I eat. The choices I make will be better for me but I am not going to join a weight class or group. I'm not going to obsess over losing weight. It's not that I won't do things differently to try to drop a few pounds. I will. I just choose not to commit myself to any regiment. Wish me luck. I'll post my results.

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